{shortcode-50475693381ed4efe309c4a1753a9ba41fc011fa}It’s Monday yet again, so it’s time for another week of Flyby’s wisdom. It’s not just any ordinary Monday though — it’s the Monday before Halloween, aka Hallow’s Eve’s Eve! Talk about spooky. But hey, doesn’t that mean Halloween is on a Tuesday? Where’s the fun in that, you may ask? Well, fear not. We’re here to tell you, Halloween can still be fun, even if it’s on a random Tuesday night.

Q: What am I supposed to do when Halloween is on a Tuesday?

A: Don’t worry, you’re not the only one asking this question. I also have been asking myself this question a lot over this past week. Halloween is the best holiday of the year! Whether you do or do not agree with this (un)controversial statement, we can all admit that Halloween on a Tuesday is a tragedy.

Halloween is an evening for kids (read: college students) hungry for candy and fun. When Halloween rolled around when I was a freshman, I decorated my room. Not only does it make your dorm feel a bit more homey, but it gets your suite-family into the Halloween spirit (extra points if you live in Adams…). That is the most important ingredient to a delectable Halloween experience. So, if you’re burning for a spark of Halloween fun, maybe taking an hour to decorate your room is the perfect plan. Though do you really want to decorate your room and just go back to studying on such a wonderfully haunting night?

The answer to that should be a no! Get scared the day after Halloween when you have to do your midterm. Nov. 1 should be a day of regrets, Oct. 31 should be a night of treats. So grab some friends, throw on that costume you wore for Halloweekend (I know you have one), and pop into a neighborhood for some candy (yes, Flyby’s done it before). It’s easy to act like a child when you’re still one at heart. Halloween is not just about treats, it’s also about tricks. So going door-to-door pretending to be the kiddo you truly are, satisfies both!

If you do really have to study for that exam though, maybe staying in with your roommates and friends is the right idea. Turn on your TV, pull out a projector, or even your good ol’ laptop (charged ofc), and throw on something nostalgic like “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!” or “Coraline.” If you really want to dive into the heart of Halloween (aka being frightened out of your wits), then put on “Friday the 13th,” “Halloween,” “The Poltergeist,” or even “Scream.”

Either way, this is your sign to push off your pset, leave that essay for another day, and forget about that lecture tomorrow! Go out and have some fun. Halloween only happens once a year! Nobody should spend their night studying in their dorm, isolated from society — unless your costume is an overworked, incredibly stressed, and burnt-out student (which, tbh, is pretty terrifying too).


(did i scare you?)


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