{shortcode-9d3fef4193883ff91f9894874e001d48d09720fe}Couldn’t decide whether you hate love psets or readings more? Can’t figure out how to combine all of your niche interests in one class? Want to learn R semi-proficiently in multiple different contexts? Here in the social sciences, you CAN have it all! Home to some of the largest concentrations at Harvard, the social sciences offer a choose-your-own-interdisciplinary adventure — read on to find out why our sophomores chose these concentrations for their own academic adventure!

Corinne E. Furey: I declared Social Studies because my hyperactive personality just. can’t. pick. one. This concentration’s interdisciplinary vibe allows me to bounce around various departments – now no one will ever get sick of me and I can always leave them wanting more <3. I eagerly await the thrill of sleepless nights spent thesis-ing senior year… and the party that will ensue upon my completion. I’ve truly loved my experience with the department thus far and am excited for so much more.

Stephany Gutierrez: I declared Government because my suffering through the Gov 20 readings last year needed to be justified. Besides, being surrounded by aspiring politicians who simultaneously seem to be doing the most and the bare minimum is fascinating. In all seriousness, GOV combines several disciplines like history and sociology, and for someone as indecisive as me, this flexibility is a necessity.

Hayeon “Rachel” Ok: I declared Economics after I took one look at my Stat 110 midterm and decided Stat was just not it, RIP. In semi-seriousness, I already had an interest in economics and I am already planning on becoming a finance gal/corporate girlie. Econ is just a good balance between writing (policy-related stuff) and dipping my toes into math/STEM. Although I will forever be shunned by my hard STEM blockmates for merely being in social sciences (and therefore cannot call myself a #WomanInSTEM), Econ is an interesting lens to view the world and provides a diversity of classes to explore my interests!

Quincy B. Donley: I think I’m declaring Economics! After taking about every intro class possible (okay not really, but I’ve taken a few), Ec10 has reeled me in. I’ve never been 100% certain about what I want to do, but this seems applicable to the ~real world~. And my young entrepreneurial self would appreciate the things I’m learning. Optimization, anyone? I’m starting the track a tiny bit late, but from what I can tell, Ec is pretty flexible in the sense that I can still fit some other non-concentration courses in there (hello study abroad?).