{shortcode-72efa0a253d5068f133be34df613b50713b68dbc}While reading through the syllabus or surviving the first few classes, I’m sure we’ve had our fair share of eye rolls at rules. With Zoom as our new classroom, class norms can look a little different. Thus, some turn-offs are pandemic-specific, others are everlasting — haunting us both in-person and online. The important part is to figure out what you can handle before the add/drop period ends!
They start exactly on time.
I guess it’s wrong to assume there was an unspoken rule to begin class three to five minutes after its designated starttime. I swear I’ve logged on one minute after 12:00 p.m., and I’ve already missed the title slide of the powerpoint. Big no-no if you’re a get-up-5-minutes-before-class-typa-gal.
Required textbook with their name on it.
I really had to do a double-take when I saw that demand on the syllabus. Why should we pay $60 for this textbook when I KNOW you have copies at your house?! Literally, email it to us????
They call you out about your camera
Okay, I’m not a monster; I can understand why a professor would want everyone to have their camera on to recreate an authentic classroom setting. HOWEVER, why would you call out someone by name for not doing so??? I was just trying to fix my coffee, geez.
No late assignments
It’s one thing to have a grade penalty for late assignments, but it’s another to give ZERO credit. Sometimes, this is also made 10 times worse with the no extension-granting rule. It’s the lack of sympathy for me!
Yes, I saved the worst for last. And it feels like this atrocity happens at the worst moments. Why call on me when I’m definitely not making eye contact with the camera? Better yet, is that the reason they did it? Big red flag!
Remember, you have until Feb. 22 to not vibe in pain …. Or simply risk not vibing in another more accommodating class! Pick your battles!