{shortcode-7d75de50f8c5b363af2132b319fd0a3e269cb4d2}We can all agree that daylight savings is screwed up — after that time change, I literally don’t see the sun on some days by the time I’m done with class. But we need to fight back and show it who’s boss. A Vitamin D-deficiency can’t be the only thing we are getting. So, here are a couple of things that you can do to take advantage of the night!
Seize more sleep or study time
A classic response would be to either call it a day and finally catch up on all the sleep that Harvard has been preventing you from getting. Or, maybe you’re so behind on your work that now you have more time to study. If neither of these options feels like something you would do, we hate to break it to ya, but you’ve been deprived of a proper college experience. Seek help?
Make LiGhT
If you refuse to accept that the sun sets so early and are adamant about having your daily dose of light in your life, then you can try to make your OWN light. We stan being the light in your own life. For one, you can buy a SAD lamp to simulate sunlight, and even try to get a spray tan while you’re at it. Did someone say a hot girl winter? Alternatively, start a bonfire with all your homework and papers past. Harvard Yard would be the perfect place to begin this cathartic journey.
Start your passion project
It’s time to finally get started on that weird project you’ve been wanting to start — whether it’s working on that super unique start-up idea of yours or finally putting an end to the rat infestation on campus. Choose your passion!
Become nocturnal
The night is longer now anyway, so might as well become nocturnal. There are so many options here: joining Remy in his midnight rendezvous, completing one of the notorious Harvard traditions, or having deep late night conversations with questionable strangers. The night is your oyster!
We can’t let the early sunset take our life away. The night is young, we’re in college, it’s time to live it up before that reality check hits.