{shortcode-1d69c91876f423a86c0fd42e4a1e300b59fd28b5}Given that dear old John was a pilgrim himself, I think he would want Harvard to give us more than three days to celebrate Thanksgiving (#rollcrim!). With finals looming ahead, you have no idea what to do with this sweet but small amount of time. You ask yourself: what are other students doing? Who’s taking this much needed break as well, a break, and who’s finally catching up on five weeks of unwatched CS50 and Ec10 lectures?
Don’t sweat—that’s what we’re here for. Ignore David Malan, que the Gossip Girl Thanksgiving episode, and get yourself in the spirit by completing our ultimate Harvard Thanksgiving Bingo! Compare results with your friends and when your turn arrives at the dinner table, be thankful you’re not the only one who will have that untouched 10-page Sleep final paper waiting for them when they get back. Good luck and as I’m assuming old timey English settlers used to say: godspeed!