{shortcode-b9438472a5631436bd56f39bda260446a1e7a603}There’s a magical time at Harvard, when the temperature drops and the overpriced puffer coats and boots are finally brought out. This year, many of us may be enjoying this classic season from home, where things are probably a little different from the snow-covered (and tourist-covered) Yard we know and love. Don’t worry! With Flyby’s help, you can still enjoy a true Harvard winter from the comfort of your own home.

Studying for Classes

Being at home during the winter means no Lamont to serve as your study space for endless midterms. Fret not, you can recreate this same experience at home! Just sit at a table until 3 in the morning and feel terrible about yourself. Even without Lamont, you can still have those classic bags under your eyes and back pains to remind you that you’re probably not made to sit at the same desk for 10 hours without moving.

Wet Socks

Normally, this is around the time where you would be forgetting your boots and stepping in piles of wet snow in a pair of Vans. To enjoy this same experience, just dip some socks in cold water and put them on! Soon enough, you’ll be transported back to Harvard, cursing at yourself for forgetting your boots and wondering how long it takes to get trench foot.

Walking to the Dining Hall

Don’t you miss being able to put on all your winter clothes just for a short trek to the dining hall? At home, you can do the same! Just put on every item of winter clothing you don’t have stuck in storage. Then, walk outside in circles for a minute or two, and walk back inside, where you can begin eating. Alternatively, if you’re one of ~those people~, you can run outside in sandals and pretend that you don’t feel the cold since you’re “a different breed”. We get it. You’re originally from Massachusetts.

Eating at Tatte

Missing a nice warm drink from Tatte during this time of year? What if we told you that you could have Tatte right at home! Just take a $10 bill, burn it, and then make some avocado toast. Was it worth it? That’s for you to decide.

Canada Goose

What says Harvard winter more than Canada Goose? Time to wear one for absolutely no reason. If you don’t have one, just look up videos of them. That’s good enough, right?

Most of all, though, don’t forget to keep in touch with your classmates! Spending this winter at home may be rough, but soon you’ll be able to spend an absurd amount of time at all our favorite Cambridge restaurants once again. For those of you somewhere warmer, enjoy it while you can. Everyone else, well, stay warm.