{shortcode-c3c2cc8b7545fa79849e5fd3d56a6090abf53827}Even if Visitas has been moved online, there are still tons of different ways to get to know your future classmates. Worried you won’t find your people? Take this quiz to find out how to form those deep relationships with your future peers.
1. You’re about to join a Zoom meet and greet. What’s your go-to icebreaker?
A. Smile and wave, hoping someone thinks the poster you strategically placed behind you is cool
B. Blast Renegade and show off your dancing skills
C. “Hi! Let’s go in a circle and introduce ourselves. Where are you from? What are you thinking of concentrating in?”
D. Type “hey” into the chat, then mute your microphone, turn off your camera, and leave to get food
2. How have you been spending quarantine?
A. Staging your room for impromptu Zoom calls
B. Cutting your bangs
C. Procrasti-baking
D. Corepower classes — you even turn off the A.C. in your house to get the full hot yoga experience
3. What’s been your favorite Instagram tag?
A. Any bingo tag
B. The dancing tag
C. The spread positivity tag
D. The “Until Tomorrow” tag
4. What’s been your favorite Virtual Visitas event?
A. Any and every club’s online info session
B. A cappella and dance shows
C. The Snapchat and Instagram stories from Harvard
D. Meeting people on Tinder Passport
5. What are you most excited for at Harvard?
A. Watching recorded lectures at double speed
B. Yardfest! You heard Jay Sean came last year for Crimson Jam and think that sounds absolutely sick.
C. Housing Day
D. Upgrading from Tinder Passport to Tinder U
Mostly As: The Zoomer
The best and worst part about Zoom is that you can hide behind the screen, so you’ve been thriving during this time. Instead of spending an hour to get ready, you can wake up at 8:58 a.m. to join a 9 a.m. call, without ever changing out of your sweatpants. Also, you’ve spent so long staring at that cutie whose thumbnail video you’ve pinned that, even though you two have never exchanged Zoom chats, you’re really feeling a connection with them.
Mostly Bs: The TikTok Star
Your biggest achievement is having your TikTok reposted on Harvard College’s Instagram page. At this point, the only words you know are ‘Savage,’ ‘Renegade,’ and ‘The Box.’ Your dance videos have been scouted by every dance club on campus, and the improv and stand-up clubs are already trying to recruit you after watching your skits.
Mostly Cs: The Obsessive Facebook and Groupme Texter
As the creator of that Google Sheet where everybody puts in their personal information — their Instagram username, their hometown, and their SAT score — you already feel deeply connected to the Harvard community. By the time you get to campus, you’ll basically be a household name.
Mostly Ds: The Tinder Master
You haven’t gotten out of bed for days, but Tinder has been your savior. There’s no need to get ready when the only work you need to do is scroll through your camera roll and find your best personality pictures. Now that you’ll finally have access to Tinder U, the possibilities are endless.