{shortcode-c7c464223f8649ca9bb5763c7ad10f11851e11f1}Normally, you’d bring a carry-on and a backpack stuffed with the essentials as you head through Harvard’s gates for Visitas, but this year things will be... a little different. What should you pack for Virtual Visitas?
Most Important: The Zooming Device
Pick your favorite device to Zoom from and make sure it’s always by your side. Whether it’s your laptop, desktop, phone, tablet, or iPhone 3G, keep this device ready to go so that you can Zoom into your upcoming Virtual Visitas events. Pick a cool background and get ready to ask the questions you’ve been dying to get answered. Make sure your chargers are near!
Your Harvard Merch
The Harvard Lanyard has always been a classic Visitas staple, so why should Virtual Visitas be any different? Don’t stop there: put on your Class of 2024 shirt underneath your Harvard sweatshirt, throw on some Harvard pajama pants to match, and you’re almost ready! Just don’t forget your Harvard water bottle. At Virtual Visitas, you won’t have to worry about losing any of your precious merch, so... silver lining?
While free food is generally the best way to attract Harvard students to events, this Visitas you’ll have to provide your own meals and snacks. Recreate HUDS meals in your own kitchen, making sure to have some waffles for brunch on Sundays and some grilled cheese when the other options aren’t looking too good.
Good Night’s Rest
Being stuck at home may not offer too many upsides, but being able to nap anytime, anywhere is definitely a plus. During on-campus Visitas, sleep is hard to come by — you might be locked out of the dorm you're staying in, sleeping on a dirty, cold floor, or lost on your way back from the Quad — so take advantage of this opportunity to sleep to your heart's content. Blankets and pillows have always been essential Visitas must-haves, so make sure to pack those too!
With these items in your ~virtual~ suitcase, you’re more than equipped to face Visitas — heck, that Harvard lanyard has you set for the next four years.