{shortcode-25d823363ebea8de0928955dae89bb29e4ad2f08}Being back on campus means realizing how much time it takes to get from your bed to a 9 a.m. lecture to a lunch meeting to a section to everything else your schedule demands. There’s definitely a correlation between personality types and how you choose to get around. Check out our quiz and tell us if we got it right!
1) You’ve recently complained about…
A) How many different comp meetings you have to attend or staff.
B) The glacial slowness of my.harvard.
C) Getting your dreams crushed by the lottery system.
D) How Cambridge weather makes you miss your summer abroad beach trips.
2) If you had an extra free hour in the day, you’d…
A) Immediately fill it with another workout at the gym / review session / “wanna-catch-a-meal-sometime?”
B) Take a nap or invest in some self-care!
C) Finally catch up on that Netflix series all your friends are talking about.
D) Plan out a getaway from campus for the upcoming weekend!
3) Your least favorite place on campus is…?
A) Being stuck behind a group of tourists in front of the John Harvard statue.
B) Waiting in line for a to-go meal at FlyBy.
C) Weaving through the impenetrable cloud of people that are either leaving the Science Center lecture halls or waiting in line at Clover.
D) Any space without enough windows (Northwest basement, Science Center Hall E, the list goes on).
4) Harvard hack that makes even the grindiest week a little better?
A) Using Canvas’s “Nickname” function to give that class you hate a passive-aggressive name.
B) Blowing your BoardPlus on an obscene amount of mozzarella sticks for a treat yourself night.
C) Using a pset drop — they’re there for a reason, people!
D) Putting Harvard’s endowment to good use by getting a fully funded trip abroad.
5) Your favorite study spot is…?
A) Deep in the grind cave of Lamont. The fewer distractions, the better.
B) In the dhall: It’s the perfect combination of free food, enough human interaction to make the workload seem less intense, and convenience.
C) Widener Library Reading Room! Something about the green lamps and cinematic aesthetic makes it easy to slip into the work rhythm.
D) Harvard Commons at the Smith Campus Center — big windows and aesthetic surroundings are a must to get in the right mood to whip out a pset or paper.
Mostly A’s: Razor Scooter
We’ll never admit it, but we’re jealous of your efficiency. White spaces in your calendar make you uncomfortable, and you’re pretty much always operating on full power, from your classes to your personal life. There’s a slight (ok, maybe more than slight) chance that you’re a section kid, but honestly, it works with your brand.
Mostly B’s: Bikes
Even though life at Harvard can be notoriously back-to-back (to-back-to-back-to-back), you’ve never let that stop you from carving out your own space to enjoy your schedule. You’re quick to blaze through a mile-long to-do list and then spend the rest of your free time doing absolutely nothing.
Mostly C’s: Walking
You’re a classic Harvard student through and through. You love complaining about how quickly Harvard Square shops close, watching movies and TV series that reference Harvard, and definitely had (or still have) Harvard and your class year in your social media profile at some point.
Mostly D’s: The T
While most Harvard students get trapped in the “bubble,” you’ve never let campus contain you. Obviously, you still have classes and extracurricular obligations, but you’re usually found in spaces that let you forget that you’re on campus, like the beautiful sunlit and caffeinated oasis that is Barker Cafe.