{shortcode-61d92731ff68d176ad3780acfef4fde6c3c82715}So spring break is coming up and you’re not feeling quite ready to bare any skin for beach photoshoots. Or maybe you’re getting restless from doing work at your desk all day. Either way, your subconscious (and your mirror) has been telling you that it’s time to hit the gym. Here’s why the “it’s too cold to work out” excuse doesn’t cut it.

House gyms

Sorry to leave you out in the cold, freshmen, but House gyms are the move for anyone who doesn’t want to brave the elements for a workout. They’re usually well-stocked and not too crowded, plus working out in-House gives you the chance to show your dhall crush how good your stamina is (or not).

Hemenway and the Malkin Athletic Center

Just stop avoiding them. They’re conveniently located for anyone who lives in the Yard or a River House, and have just about any piece of equipment you may need. If running on a treadmill makes you feel like a caged hamster, try out one of the many group exercise classes that they offer.

Get into a relationship

The much-needed human contact will give you a reason to quit complaining about the cold weather (after all, it’s still cuffing season). Additionally, your romantic partner will have you doing mental gymnastics at least a few times per week, so you can get a workout without going outside. But if this option doesn’t work…

Just go outside

As long as you work out on a relatively warmer day, the winter air won’t be too painful. Plus, avoiding puddles and jumping over snow banks can give you that extra tone you’ve been needing.

Sorry for taking away all your excuses! We might even take our own advice and go outside sometime this week (not like we really have a choice since the Faculty of Arts and Sciences refuses to close).