{shortcode-ab6c7bf16997f88c3ea88622ff580f9aaa6ed48a}As the temperatures drop and even the bravest of students start to swap out their shorts for pants, footwear also begins to change. Check out what your fall shoe selection says about you.

Basic (probably black or brown) Boots

You’re ready for fall! These are the simple but practical choice, so odds are you’re practical too. The ruby foliage will perfectly complement your new beanie and flannels, made complete by your fall footwear. You’re on track for a great semester.

Heeled Booties

You’re trendy and classy, likely sporting a trench coat with a pumpkin spice latte in hand. Everyone can hear you coming but that doesn’t slow you down because you’re always on your way somewhere. Whether that’s a pset group, a club meeting, or your dorm, you don’t let anything get in your way.

Timberlands / LL Bean Boots

You were made for the outdoors. You’re prepared for the cold, bundling your feet up before any of your classmates have even thought about winter. Not only are you ready for below freezing temps but you’ve definitely already finished all the psets due up until Thanksgiving, and have stressed about your post-grad job as a freshman.

White Sneakers

You’re practical, but you’re also cool. You probably wear the same shoes all year round, swapping them out annually for the newest and trendiest kicks. And yet, you still look stylish, whether you’re wearing sweats or your newest buy. You’re on top of all of the latest Harvard happenings and you’re the one your friends go to when you don’t know what to do on a Friday night.

Fur-Lined Gucci Mules

We wish we were joking. You always have a coffee from Tatte on your way to class and soon, you’ll bust out your Canada Goose. You’ve eaten in the dhall maybe four times so far and opt for a purse to carry your MacBook, your iPad, your iPad Mini, and Louis Vuitton wallet instead of slumming it up with the rest of us peasants who opt for black backpacks.

Flip flops

You radiate chaotic energy, and exclusively drink hot black coffee and blue Powerade from the dining halls. You can always be found in either Cabot or Lamont at ungodly times, finishing an essay due in five hours and yet still getting an A. We don’t know how you do it, but we also don’t envy you.

No matter what shoes you choose to sport, we understand everyone has to do what they gotta do to survive the semester — just maybe not in bare feet.