{shortcode-ac0fce64420e258d8ecdbfdefa77ab1dd7fa79d4}Sure, it’s ~spooky season~, but have you taken a chance to open your own closet and inspect the skeletons in there? There may be some real ghosts from your past following you around, so take a look at some of the most common ghosts around, and beware.
The Ghost of Your Freshman Year Annenberg Crush
The last time you saw them in the flesh may have been three years ago, but from time to time you find yourself thinking about their distant memory. You may not remember their name or the house they’re in now, but this spooky season may be the best time to revisit this ghost.
The Ghost of The Cup You Took From the Dhall
Maybe you recently received a passive-aggressive email from your resident dean complaining about the critically low levels of cups in the dhall, which got you thinking about the cups you have lined up on your bookshelf. It may be time to bring them back to the dhall and free yourself from the guilt.
The Ghost of the Lecture(s) You Slept Through
Your head can be seen bobbing up and down in lecture. But, hey, it’s not your fault that this 12 p.m. class disrupts your sleep schedule. When it comes to the midterm and psets, though, missing those lectures has you spooked. This ghost is truly out to get you.
The Ghost of the Readings You Didn’t Do
The introductions and conclusions to all the papers you read for your class are interesting, but too bad you never read in between. Yet, you manage to make some great points in class and participate in your discussion about Greek heroes and ethics in technology. Regardless, the ghosts of these readings are out to get you, and might just catch up come the midterm.
The Ghost of The Person You Ghosted
By far the scariest ghost of all. You never replied to their last message and the possibilities are haunting you. Maybe it could’ve been great, or maybe your gut was right and the vibes were just a bit off. If this person comes back to haunt you, be careful.
Who knew there were so many ghosts around? Stay on high alert this spooky season and be sure to be on the lookout for the Harvard ghosts that are haunting you.