Flyby’s Summer Binge List
Summer break is finally here, which means no more psets, papers, classes, or responsibilities looming over your sleep-deprived head. Now that you have so much free time, you can finally advance your career with a fancy internship, working out, learning a language and working towards your long-term goals overall. Or you could stock up on some Ben & Jerry's and coup up in a cozy spot with some Netflix — after all, you deserve a break after all the stress of the academic year. So get ready to relax, enjoy some guilt free TV binging, and find your next obsession among these hand picked brand new releases.
Handmaid’s Tale
Although hardly an easy watch, this adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s seminal dystopian novel is an absolute must-see. Debuting to widespread acclaim, the show depicts a totalitarian America where women are subjugated and reduced to their reproductive functions with such a premise poignantly ringing true in the current political climate. If you want your summer binge to provide a bit of extra intellectual stimulation then this Hulu original should make the top of your queue.
Master of None (Season 2)
The first season of this instant classic made us laugh and cry at the millennium realities, sympathizing with Dev’s struggle to get a good date (too bad he doesn’t have Flyby Matchmaker). The second installment is a s good (if not better) and is definitely worth skipping a few darties for.
Dear White People
You will surely recognize a lot of your classmates in the students of Winchester University, a fictional “ninth Ivy.” Depicting the realities faced by people of color in elite institutions, “Dear White People” reminds us that we are not as “woke” we would like to think and the college reality is not as post-racial as our administrators depict it. Although this Netflix original is full of heart wrenching moments and poignant narratives, it’s also bitingly funny, entertaining and full of really hot people making this show a great candidate for your next night in.
Bill Nye Saves the World
Everyone’s favorite science guy is back — now with his very own Netflix show geared toward adults. With the help of his famous guests, Nye debunks science myths with some science and humor. If you want to learn something over break but don’t want to leave your bed, this important and entertaining show will enrich your liberal arts education with some ~science~ and prep you for dhall debates about climate change and the future of AI.
Chef’s Table
Although your own culinary talents probably only extend as far as seasoning some plain HUDS chow with sriracha, you can marvel at diverse culinary talents on this elegant documentary series that focuses on one world-class chef each episode. These culinary geniuses treat food with more love and inspiration than John does freshman ID’s, with their scrumptious masterpieces inspiring us to check out a House cooking class or two next semester.
Chewing Gum
The show’s unique sunny vaudevillian flow and joyful self-awareness will certainly lift up your spirits and give you abs of steel from all the laughing at Tracy’s unfortunate sexual encounters (including an attempted threesome, a gay boyfriend and inappropriately lustful cousin). With a fresh take on the overused “look into the camera” gimmick this show will definitely fill your happiness meter with its bright colors and pure inventiveness.
So sit back, relax and let yourself enjoy some Netflix — don’t worry, your overachievements won’t be going anywhere.