Oh senior spring. That time when you can stop pretending to care about things. The woes of the world seem to melt away into the sun. Imagine a Mary Poppins meets Animal House cross over (seriously, Hollywood, make this movie). Carefree co-eds spend their time skipping around campus, laughing with each other, and generally devolving into slacker degenerates.


But this hakuna matata attitude doesn’t need to be reserved for seniors alone. No matter your class year, we can all make an effort—ill-advised as it may be—to live every spring like it's senior spring. Here's how:

Go Outside

You’ve spent the last three months inside, and you’re probably forgetting what it’s like to see the sun. But that shiny bad boy is back in town, so grab a couple of vitamin-D-deficient friends and venture out of the library. We promise that in the freedom of the outdoors you’ll feel less imprisoned by your crippling self doubt. Just watch out for Cambridge's unpredictable weather—you might just find yourself wearing salmon shorts in 10-degrees weather, and you'll never be able to live that down.

Don’t do that reading

Really. Don’t do it. You’ll be fine. Let a few of your less pressing assignments fall by the wayside, and you might be able to catch up on all the fun you missed during your childhood in order to get to Harvard.

Go for the spring fling

Ask that cutie in section on a date. There is no time like the present, so why the heck not? Yeah, it might not be the perfect match. Leave good decisions for dead-on-the-inside-fall you to make. Right now, bring on every-moment-feels-like-I’m-on-a-totally-sweet-water-slide spring you!

Do all the fun Harvard things you’ve never done

If you don’t have one, make a Harvard bucket list. And then cross it all off, even if it’s your first spring. You might never getting around to doing whatever it is that you crazy kids do in the stacks if you keep putting it off.

Make time for friends

Channel your inner senior and take the time to appreciate your friends. Or at the very least, adopt the nostalgic goggles of a senior in order to overlook their glaring flaws and enjoy their company. While this may not exactly be your last spring with them, but you don't have many more.

In the end, every assignment can be postponed if you're brave enough. Every day can become a vacation if you're willing to be put in the effort. Every night can be an adventure with the right attitude (and enough alcohol). And, indeed, every spring can be your senior spring if make a commitment to not caring at all.

Disclaimer: if you do every thing in this article at once, you will most likely flunk out of Harvard, so, you know, use that good old college discretion.