Nicki Minaj has the right idea. With Harvard summer housing officially over, and most programs winding down, Harvard students are likely finally free from their responsibilities. It’s time to chill out and do the time-honored summer tradition: go to the beach.{shortcode-b4c006b2360d936e04e26ec9688ef1e6530f411d}

Good news, New England: Uber is giving away free beach bags, filled with everything you need to have a dynamite day at the beach—and valued at nearly $200, according to Uber’s website. Here’s how it works: if you open up the Uber app at any point today between 11 a.m and 2 p.m, you’ll have the opportunity to insert the promo code BEACHBAG2016 in the app. From there, all you have to do is request the beach bag to come to your location, and a brand ambassador from Uber will arrive to deliver the entirely free beach bag.

Trust us, you should take advantage of this opportunity and get away for a weekend. You’ll thank us later.