{shortcode-b6947bada0f7c537374939adf1709482970012f0} Angelina R. Massa '18 is an Applied Math concentrator living in Quincy House. She is in search of someone “fun,” “smart” and who has “good arms.” We sent her to visit the café and go on a tour at The Harvard Art Museums with Mark N. Goldman '18. He is a joint Chemistry and Physics concentrator who lives in Pforzheimer House. He will “maintain conversations at any cost” and was hoping his date would be “talkative” and “funny.”

Angelina: I got there on time, which I never do. I never go places on time so this was huge.

Mark: I was there first. [I thought that] there were a couple people it could have been.

Angelina: He had been sitting across the lobby I just didn’t know who he was. But then he came over… [probably] because I looked lost and confused.

Mark: I obviously thought she was really pretty... [She was] warm.

Angelina: He seemed really nice.

Angelina: It was really pretty, open and bright in the museum. We sat in the café for a little bit and talked.

Mark: We talked about her doing ballet [for thirty hours a week during high school]. She was crazy into it.

Angelina: He’s on the football team so we talked about how he wakes up at five for six AM practice.

Mark: We talked about her wanting to be an athletic trainer… and how she switched her major to applied math.

Angelina: I was surprised he is from Brooklyn… most of the people I know from Brooklyn are not that nice, but he was super courteous… [At one point], he took out his phone to look something up that we were talking about, but then he put it away and said ‘I shouldn’t be on my phone…’ We [realized] the tour wasn’t for another 40 minutes so we decided to look around.

Mark: I had had to do an essay [for Expos] about one of the paintings [in the museum], but I couldn’t remember where it was or really what it was so we just aimlessly wandered the second floor. She teased me for not being able to remember it. It was only a three-page paper! … We accidentally missed [the tour]. We were too intent on finding this thing.

Angelina: Then, we ran into his friend who said we should go to the first floor… Someone told me there would be a lot of Picassos. We were on a Picasso hunt for a while.

Mark: [We decided] to guess which one was a Picasso [before we read the label next to it].

Angelina: I liked that [the date] was at a museum…it gives you things to talk about… I mean I can talk a lot, but it’s nice to have things to comment on…we made jokes about art.

Mark: It got better as it progressed…I told an Office joke as we were playing the Picasso game…I knew that she knew The Office. We had talked about that.

Angelina: I’m friends with anyone who likes The Office.

Mark: I had a great time… I think she had a good time too…

Angelina: It wasn’t awkward at all; it was totally normal; we talked for two hours straight… it was a fun way to make a friend… Shout out to Casey Durant, my blockmate, for signing me up.

Mark: I just thought [a blind date] would be an interesting experience… it could have been anyone. I think that is interesting in and of itself. At least once, you have to try it.

Do you want to try it? Mark did say he would “spread the word” to his teammates, so what are you waiting for? The Flyby Matchmaker is also considering setting up a double date, so why not find a friend and fill the form out together!?


The Flyby Matchmaker