{shortcode-e4835f3dc5459b76a24e4e7b9ae7e902a10bacd2}Once you become a part of house life (or even if you’re particularly comfortable in Annenberg), the dhall will become essentially an extension of your room, albeit a part with more people and less dirty laundry. And sometimes, in your own room, you want to grab coffee (or, if you have more refined tastes, Diet Coke) without having to get all dressed up. Your d-hall outfit, however, is telling the rest of us camped out at brain break your whole life story. Here’s what you’re projecting:
Athlesiure (aka Health Goth)
You just went to the gym. Or, alternatively, you want people to think you just went to the gym. This is decidedly an active attempt to seem casual and put together, so it looks like you’ve mastered the art of balancing all aspects of your life. This is an obvious ploy, but for some reason, it still works every time. Congrats.
This is the end. You have a big assignment due tomorrow and you’re getting coffee so that you can start it tonight. We’ve all been there (and will be again), but it’s still embarrassing to bear witness to this particular brand of hopelessness.
Party Clothes
Dude, that coffee isn’t gonna sober you up in time to finish your work. Just call it quits and get a glass of water before you go to sleep. Don’t try to get cereal, though. You’re just going to make a huge mess and disturb the sad, resigned calm of everyone actually psetting in the dhall.
Business Casual
You always have it together. Always. You’ve never slept through class. You go to lecture, even when it’s recorded. Midterms don’t scare you, because you’ve actually done all the readings all semester. Teach me your ways. Please. I need to be rescued from myself.
So, there you have it. The definitive guide to what your dhall outfit says about the current state of your life. Dress like the person you want to be. Or, alternatively, just keep showing up to brain break in a onesie, because it’s cold and you have “serious work” to do.