
A wise man once said “Pizza is a major key”, and he wasn’t lying. If you’re anything like us, pizza of questionable quality in your home town was a staple that you consumed more often than you’d like to admit. Then you got to college and the Freshman 15 quickly evolved into the Freshman 30 as you scarfed down late-night boxes from ‘Noch’s and slices from Otto’s.

Depending on what corner of the world you hail from, pizza could mean something completely different to you than it does to others. Take the divisive deep dish vs. thin crust rivalry, for instance. For me, the dough is the key - for others, the sauce can be an instant deal breaker. There are a ton of pizza shops in the square that claim to be the best store in town. Ever the fact-checking journalist, Flyby's Brandon Dixon went to investigate (at serious detriment to his waist size).


Otto’s is an acquired taste, hinging mostly on what type of dough you love. Thin-crust lovers will devour box after box of this Portland-brand pizza, if they can get over the odd, grilled after-taste that Otto’s brand of cooking produces. The only thing Otto’s is missing is a significant side menu; seriously, I crave cheese fries with every slice of pizza I eat. Shout-out to their Ricotta and Basil pizza; many have tried to get that combination right and, like sophomores slugging through Orgo, many have failed.


Pinocchio’s is one of those Harvard staples whose reputation is carried by how integral it is to the Harvard experience. Honestly, their pizza is not the best, but it’s highly edible -- especially after midnight. They get major props for the disclaimer on their website: “Please note that when the undergraduate students are not in session we close on Friday and Saturday night at 1:00 am instead of 2:30 am”, which shows just how well they understand the audience that they serve. Still, their pizza slices are unnecessarily greasy, which is why I recommend buying only a couple slices at a time. PSA: do not try to pay with a credit card. They’ve got one of those weird thresholds where you have to spend an outrageous amount of money in order to do so. It’s the perfect trap for a cash-less drunk freshman who desperately needs a slice.

Just Crust

This was a little gem that I stumbled into one afternoon because I happened to be walking back from the rear of the Radcliffe Quadrangle. Again, the secret to their success is delicious thin-crust style pizza. Plus, their slices are humongous -- perfect if you ever want to throw a dorm debate-watch party, and you don’t want to order from dominos. Try their Margherita Pizza -- it’s legendary.


Speaking of dominos, I hate to say it, but they have very little going for them. Sure, they’re an American staple, but they fall prey to all of the failures of chain pizza stores. Their pizza doesn’t have a distinctive taste and can sometimes taste just plain nasty. Also, the service: I ordered cheesy bread sticks the other day and didn’t receive any dipping sauce (I paid for three). Seriously the most disappointing thing that’s happened to me since I saw my semester one Ec10 grade.


When in doubt, HUDS is a viable (though not favorable) pizza option. They’re not the best, but the Greenhouse Cafe’s pizza is clutch when your class runs through lunch. Watch out, though: too many Greenhouse pizzas and your BoardPlus will be depleted within the week.

Thank you, Harvard Square, for giving hungry college kids the pizza selection we deserve.