{shortcode-6fac7fa76f68b97e50d0a21e2545b09e0d1a14e0}If you are anything like us at Flyby, you've probably procrastinated on planning your Spring Break until now. But don’t worry, dear reader, we've got you covered. Here are some cool last minute spring break options for you and your lazy and/or disorganized friends.

Exotic but affordable
Where: Reykjavik, Iceland
You’re probably thinking: Why would I want to go to a place called Iceland, which seems like Boston’s evil twin? Boston gets enough snow already. But fear not, fellow Harvardians. Dubbed the nightlife capital of the North, Reykjavik is the new hot place. Known for its breathtaking national parks, Iceland offers volcano and glacier hikes, whitewater rafting and crystal blue lagoons full of naturally warm ocean water. You read that correctly. There are hot springs. And at night, you can go out to the many bars and clubs sprawling throughout the capital. (The drinking age is 20, by the way, for you thirsty sophomores out there.) An added bonus is that with only three more weeks until spring break, the round trip flights cost around $400 for a 5-hour flight each way. So go! Find those tickets on Student Universe before the prices soar.

Where: Red River Gorge, Kentucky
When: 3/12-3/20
Who: Harvard Mountaineering Club
Cost: $150 + gear
For all you outdoorsy people that love getting down and dirty with Mother Nature, this is the trip for you. The Harvard Mountaineering Club offers a climbing trip every year and this year they are headed to the Red River Gorge in Kentucky. The trip begins with a 14-hour road trip where you get all cozy and comfy (maybe a little too comfy) with your fellow climbers. Once you arrive at the nature reserve, you spend a week camping and climbing cliffs. They take a mix of experienced and inexperienced climbers and rent out gear, so no need to fret if you’re a novice and don’t even know what a carabiner is.

Where: Mississippi
If you are looking for a really fruitful yet alternative experience, the PBHA alternative spring break trips might be right for you. Every year the organization plans service trips to cities across the US. Fortunately for you procrastinators out there, the Mississippi trip, focusing on Civil Rights, is still taking applications. Apply now before the spots fill up!

Where: Good ole Boston
If all the midterms got you down and you just want to Netflix and chill (literally) in the comfort of your dorm room, treat yourself to a staycation. Once you’ve finished binge watching the entirety of Scandal, muster up the courage to venture out into the icy depths of Boston (although no one really knows what’s up with the weather, it could be sunny, who knows) and become a tourist in your own city! It shouldn’t be too hard as we can model ourselves after the myriad tourists we bump into everyday on the way to class. Explore Quincy Market and Boston Common, watch all the box office hits you haven’t seen since the semester started, finally go to the MFA, and maybe gorge yourself with some quality pasta at the North End. Relish your free time in Boston and Cambridge before all those psets and papers start again.

No matter who you are, or what you like to do in your (nonexistent) free time, there are still plenty of viable Spring Break options. Someday you’ll have to learn that waiting until the last minute for everything isn’t sustainable, but today is not that day!