{shortcode-db8560c1faae89e9b60b28a7d0d7cf1ffa7dceb2}If you haven’t already reached the semester milestone of being notoriously behind on readings, then be prepared to have that procrastination hit you full force this Thursday. ShondaLand—Shonda Rhimes’ production company, and colloquially known as a block of time on Thursday when all three of her hit television shows run—is back this week. "Scandal," "How to Get Away With Murder," and "Grey’s Anatomy" all ended with breathtaking mid-season finales. If you even begin to think about skipping these premieres to go to the gym, do a p-set, or do anything evenly mildly productive, Flyby will find you and personally program your Philo account to run these shows on endless loop. Forever.

But seriously, ShondaLand is a big deal. Its return means that Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope, who has been off solving problems in the show’s hiatus, will be back with a vengeance. Will she stay true to her decision to break it off with Fitz? Or will she find herself drawn inexorably back to the man who she just can’t seem to shake off? If the trailers released for the premiere are in anyway indicative of the rest of this season’s plot, it seems that fans who have been wishing for Olivia Pope to finally break away from her forbidden love will be in for a disappointing ride.

Tune into Grey’s Anatomy at 8 p.m., Scandal at 9 p.m., and How to Get Away with Murder at 10 p.m.