
Flyby exec and amateur astrologist Kyle E. O’Hara counts many things among her talents—her impressive ability to drink Diet Coke before 10 a.m., her dogged pursuit of the position of El Jefe’s #1 customer, and her remarkable skill at napping at inopportune times. But most prominent of these talents is her questionable-at-best ESP. Check back on the first of each month for your Flyby Horoscope, courtesy of Kyle.

As a hard hitting journalist-blogger, it is my duty to bring you, dear readers, the #facts. Moreover, as a scientist*, I am here to tell you that nothing is more factually legitimate than horoscopes. Horoscopes help us figure out what to do with our love lives and careers better than any honest-to-goodness introspection or serious talks with our friends and mentors ever could. Here is just a sliver of my infinite wisdom to help guide you through your February:

AQUARIUS: Last semester, you took a risk, and your courage paid off. Remember that when evaluating this semester’s schedule—concentration credits are not everything. Try out the things that you find interesting. The stars are telling me that the best choice you can make this month is to comp The Crimson.

PISCES: You often find yourself overthinking the small things in your life. Declutter your Google Calendar, and make some time to be alone with yourself. Rethinking your priorities will allow you to soar. You are going to see success in your extracurriculars in February, especially if you comp The Crimson.

ARIES: You spend much of your mental energy trying to keep up with friends, with trends, with classes. You often feel that things are slipping from your grasp, but don’t know why or how. This month, realize that relaxing and and trusting yourself to handle it allows you to effortlessly keep up. Blogging is in this month — comp Flyby.

TAURUS: You occasionally struggle to express yourself. You wonder if your friendships are still strong as when they began, or now exist out of convenience. Seek out people with whom you share passions, not just proximity. Your social life will become infinitely better this month when you meet your fellow Crimson compers.

GEMINI: Heartbreak can be hard to deal with, especially when you have to see that person around campus. This month will be important for self-exploration, accepting, and moving on. Looking for new love? You may just find it among your fellow writers at The Crimson.

CANCER: After a long fall semester, you feel as if you may be stuck in a rut. It’s all too easy to fall into the same habits, even when they don’t make you happy. February will be a month of internal conflict, but working to expand your interests will serve you well. Learn a new skill this month — comp Crimson Multimedia.

LEO: Rethinking your choice of concentration can be scary, but it is important to take a step back and make sure you still feel passionate about your concentration before you dedicate more hours of study to it. The answer may be that you don’t—but don’t let this scare you. Harvard has a lot more to offer. Seek intellectual fulfillment at The Harvard Crimson.

VIRGO: Winter break was a transformative time for you. You’ve returned to campus feeling refreshed and ready to take on a new semester. This month, you will be relaxed and motivated enough to do your readings—even for your Gen Ed. Share your productivity with the world this month by joining the staff of The Crimson.

LIBRA: A quick look at your bank account balance shows that you must keep an eye on your late-night spending habits this month. An on-campus job will not only cover your post-party trips to Felipe’s, but will help you learn the importance of budgeting and self-control. February will bring financial success if you comp The Crimson Biz Board.

SCORPIO: The state of your dorm room reflects the state of your mind. Take some time this February for Spring cleaning. You will feel more calm once you see that everything has its own place. Be productive this month by joining The Crimson’s comp.

SAGITTARIUS: You came to a large realization this winter break that has allowed you to see the world, and your life, in a new light. Remember that feeling of epiphany, even as you start to get bogged down in work this semester. This February, you will have to work hard to hold on to this new perspective, but it will be worth it. Talk about your feelings — comp Editorial.

CAPRICORN: February is often a hard month at Harvard, with short days, tall snowbanks, and lonely Valentine’s Day. However, this February will be unlike the others for you. Keep a positive outlook and positive things will happen. This month holds success in every facet of your life, as long as you comp The Crimson!

*Hey, I took SLS20 before I declared Hist and Lit.

Check back on March 1st for next month’s horoscope! In the meantime, why not drop by The Crimson’s Open Houses on Monday, February 1 and Wednesday, February 3 at 7 p.m.