
Black Friday is here and chances are it’s caught you unprepared. Let’s be honest, we’ve all been more focused on the psets and essays masterfully assigned on the two days between Harvard-Yale weekend and Thanksgiving break, with no time to worry about just about anything else. Now that class is over though, we can start thinking about how to make it through the end of the semester. Friday’s deals will remind us of all the things we still can’t afford, but there are a few things we at Flyby would love to see for sale that could help us all survive the end of fall semester.

Swiffer Duster

At this point in the semester,you’re not surprised anymore when people come into your room and wonder where the smell is coming from. There’s probably some unfinished Noch’s between the couch cushions, or, well we don’t even want to think what’s accumulated under your bed and around your mini fridge. It’s more than just dust (though there’s a surprisingly thick layer of that too). After spending a few days in a clean house over Thanksgiving though, you may be more horrified than usual in re-entering your dorm room. The Swiffer duster wasn’t too expensive before sale (~$20), but imagine how inexpensive they’d be at 70% off… Cough up the few dollars and invest in some simple room hygiene.


Okay, these aren’t technically allowed in the dorms/houses, but think about it: having one could mean an unlimited caffeine source at our fingertips for the rest of the semester. If you’re one of those unfortunate souls with back-to-back final exams, coffee or tea will probably become your new lifeblood. Afterall, sleep is for those who don’t cram, and last time we checked, that excludes most of Harvard’s student population. This Friday, Keurigs are under $100. If you’re worried about having it in your room, you can always carry it with you to the library to make your friends at Lamont jealous.

Canada Goose

As soon as it hits 40 degrees, most of Harvard’s campus turns black with the coats of Canada Goose. And while the real Canadians with their sub-zero winters might be shaking their heads, you know you secretly covet these insulating jackets. The price tags are brutal -- who wants to spend over five hundred dollars for a coat?! So maybe the only time Canada Goose will be *remotely* near our measly college budgets is this weekend. If you do decide to embrace this winter like our neighbors up north do, you’ll be blessed with the warmest personal winter on record. And if recent political events force you into Canada, you’ll be prepared for that too.

Personal Paper Shredder

At only $25 this Black Friday, what better way to destroy all evidence of the failed midterms this semester? You can also use it post-finals for some stress relief. Definitely worth storming Walmart for.

2017 Edition of Mankiw’s Ec10 Textbook

Buy it now to save your Harvard-bound siblings the frustrating cost of this loose-leaf course pack. $132 could turn it into… well, whatever Mankiw feels he could still sell it for. The question is, would he even endorse a Black Friday sale? For everyone’s sake, we hope so.

And finally… Tuition

We at Flyby hope that the first thing we see on sale this Friday is our tuition. Now wouldn’t that be a Christmas miracle.