{shortcode-bff31449f78b3f807f8d73bff62c80b779fe784d} There’s nothing quite as American and college-quintessential as the “tailgate.” Seas of students clad in their school’s colors. The faint scent of beer in the air. The sporadic breakout of spirit cheers, led by either an all-too-eager or an all-too-inebriated fan.

Tailgates are arguably the most exciting part of Harvard-Yale (sorry football fans, you’re outnumbered.) You’re bound to walk away from a tailgate with at least ten prime candidates for your new Instagram or profile pic, and a dozen viable snapchats of you and your friend clad in Harvard merchandise. And did we mention the free food and drinks? If, for some reason, you’re stumbling into the big game with an empty stomach or a stone-cold-sober disposition, heading over to a tailgate is a major key.

We recommend you check out Flyby’s guide to Harvard-Yale, “Pregame Edition” to get a grasp on how best to prep for the tailgate. But while pregames are great for socializing and having fun with a small group of friends, tailgating with a crowd is what gets you fired up for the game itself.

At Harvard-Yale, you’re going to want to find the tailgate that’s best suited to you. That means you might want to veer away from the one that super-secret-single-gender-social-organization is hosting and head over to one where there’s at least a 70 percent chance you’ll bump into someone you know and love. Freshmen, the First Year Social Committee has you covered with a tailgate specifically for your class, and the house committees are banding together with the Office of Student Life this year to bring you a massive undergraduate tailgate right before the Big Game. Think Yardfest block parties, but with much more Crimson-themed memorabilia.

Keep an eye on our daily newsletter, Harvard Today, for the lowdown on any other, smaller tailgates that organizations are hosting on Saturday.