{shortcode-11fa36f67f6d59d279deb0d61fba175230376a2c}Somehow, with his busy schedule, Dean of the College Rakesh Khurana has apparently found time to comment on Crimson stories online, offering thoughts on the undergraduate social scene under a Disqus account in his name.

Or, you know, perhaps it’s an imposter. Shocking as it is that some people use the internet to deceive others, we at Flyby hope that the real Dean Khurana would be funnier, were he to weigh in on campus happenings in our comment section, and so must assume that it is not in fact the dean.

So while the real Rakesh Khurana has tried to affect the College’s social scene through conversations with final club graduate board leaders and otherwise questioning the groups’ practices, another “Rakesh Khurana” has declared other plans to Crimson comment section readers. (He will soon be “raiding all non-CoEd clubs' second rounds with my SJWAT team,” according to one post. “Look out grad boards!” the supposed Khurana imposter wrote.)

On this capital campaign story, the “dean” requested a “few million or so” for a “community values-enforcement squadron, answerable only to me.” The likely imposter also revealed a new punishment for parties held in freshman dorm rooms: “Off to the gulag with you and your blockmates!”

As sure as we are that these aren’t comments from the real Khurana, we acknowledge that it would be a pretty avant garde deanship to announce your policies in the comment section of your university’s student newspaper. Perhaps he should take the hint: maybe the real Rakesh can make his own account (get the nerds at Twitter to give him one of those blue checks) and he can make announcements that way.