{shortcode-c1bf6da0811c5aa15c57d627cdae3240804e58cb}Good morning, Harvard. Today we remember those who lost their lives 14 years ago on 9/11. Memorial Church will be holding a 9/11 Memorial Service tonight at 7 p.m., hosted by the ROTC and the Veterans Alumni Organization.


Catch of the Day
Popcorn Chicken
Vegan Meatball Sub

Roasted Perch w/ Mango Chutney
Za’atar Roasted Chicken Drumstick
Spanish Pisto Manchego


The rain is back today- there will be some morning showers with a high of 72 degrees. Saturday will be beautiful though, sunny with a high of 80 degrees, so take advantage of the last bits of summer! Sunday however will have a chance of thunderstorms.


New E-Newsletter Enables Professors To Share Teaching Advice: New E-Newsletter Enables Professors To Share Teaching The Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning has released a new weekly e-newsletter with the intention of “provid[ing] faculty perspectives on timely, evidence-based teaching advice,” according to an emailed statement from Peter K. Bol, VPAL’s vice provost.

Guidelines Ask Tourists To Stay Away From Dorm Windows: Under a new set of visitor guidelines, posted throughout the Yard, Harvard is asking its many visitors not to hold up cameras against classroom and dorm room windows, a common happening.

Ralph Nader Accuses Law School of Servicing Corporate Greed: “Would you be proud of representing the corporate crooks in Wall Street?” Nader asked an audience primarily composed of Law students at Langdell Hall in the early afternoon.

Committee Will Present Gen Ed Draft Proposal to Faculty This Month: The committee has worked for the past year soliciting feedback about general education at the College and, at the end of last semester, presented an interim report of recommendations on how to change what it has deemed a “failing” program.

$15 Million Gift Will Fund Public Service Initiatives: The newly established Mindich program will help fund the development of 14 classes with a focus on bringing public service to the academic realm, building on established courses “Poverty in America,” “Reinventing Boston,” and “Practicing Democracy,” the University announced on Thursday.


Three Letter Acronym Improv group is having their Back to School Show tonight at 8 p.m. in Fong Auditorium.

The Harvard Radcliffe Chinese Students Association is having their Fall Soiree today from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Ticknor Lounge with free food and refreshments.

DAPA is having a special deal on pizza tonight- the first 100 students to get to the Quad between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. can get their pizza for $5!

The Harvard College Consulting Conference is on Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the SOCH. Register here for the event.

The Expressions Dance Company is having their fall auditions from 1 to 6 p.m. on Saturday at the Harvard Dance Center.