

In case you haven’t heard, today is Commencement (Harvard's 364th, if you care). Thousands will flood Tercentenary Theater (that patch of grass and trees between Widener and Memorial Church) to see the College’s seniors and thousands of students from other Harvard schools earn their degrees. Don’t forget your gown and your Harvard ID!

Now, onto the events.

WEATHER: Weather may be an event on Thursday. Thunderstorms are a possibility, and heat is a guarantee. Harvard's graduation gowns won't help those trying to cool off, so stay hydrated and look for shade.

GET IN LINE: Even if you have a ticket, you’re not guaranteed a seat. And the definition of Tercentenary Theater has gradually expanded over the years to accommodate more people, meaning some seats have no view of the stage. Lines begin to form outside the gates to the Yard shortly after sunrise.

CRIMSON COMMENCEMENT: Pick up your special edition of The Crimson as you march into the Yard. Seriously, the ceremony runs at least three hours, so you’ll appreciate the reading material.

MORNING EXERCISES: An elegant procession led by University President Drew G. Faust is scheduled to end in the Theater at 9:25, meaning Morning Exercises get going shortly after that. See above for the cold hard fact that if you don’t have a seat by 9:25, you’re not in good shape. Morning Exercises are mostly pomp and circumstance, and they wrap up by noon. After that, College seniors head to their houses to get their degrees and graduate students head to various locations for their ceremonies.

AFTERNOON EXERCISES: Deval L. Patrick ’78 is the headliner and will speak in the Theater sometime between 2:30 and 4:15. Faust also gives her annual report to the Harvard Alumni Association during the afternoon session, which is the first alumni event for graduates (and probably the first time you'll be asked for money as a Harvard alum!)

More of the day's details here: http://commencement.harvard.edu/events-schedule

Congratulations. We hope you keep reading.