Happy Easter! Hopefully you’ve gorged yourself on enough Peeps and chocolate bunnies to give you a sugar high that will last you until the end of this mess of a semester (putting the “mess” in semester -- get it?). Summer is rapidly approaching -- for better or for worse. Here are some of the annoying things that come with the onset of summer:

  1. People asking you “What’re you doing this summer?” just so they can tell you what awesome internship they’ve landed/what fantastic exotic places they’re “studying abroad” in.
  2. Your friends from other (read: warmer) schools posting photos of themselves wearing shorts and tank tops, while we at Harvard are still freezing in down jackets and winter boots.
  3. Finals. In classes where you never showed up to section (oops). What did you even learn in that Gen Ed, anyway? It’s unclear, but apparently you learned enough material to last a 3-hour long exam.


With highs of 54 degrees and lows of 43 degrees, it’s practically high summer. Except, at this point in April, it is really supposed to be high summer -- or some weather that doesn’t call for more than two layers of clothing. Also don’t plan on buying sunglasses anytime soon, because we probably won’t be seeing the sun all of this week.



Chicken Fingers

Farfale with Italian Sausage and Kale

Tofu Parmesan Sub


Chicken Marsala

Shrimp with Fettucini

Muligrain Rotini with Peas and Mushroom


1) What Your Admissions Letter Didn’t Tell You: An essential guide for all over-excited prefrosh. Don’t learn these things the hard way!

2) Mott Hall Bridges Academy Visited Harvard: If you don’t know the entire backstory to this, follow HONY on Facebook -- and keep some tissues nearby.

3) April Fools’ Sushi: Incredible! Candy masquerading as sushi. What could be better?