{shortcode-300942649bfe1bb3f3542914ca4b1771ca549db9}If you’ve been on Facebook at all in the past 24 hours (which, based on procrastination habits, you probably have), then you might have seen BuzzFeed’s latest listicle: “22 Things Only People Who Went to Harvard Will Understand.
Based on the Facebook comments, people were pretty confused about some of the article’s mix-ups. Was it really bad satire, or just a really bad article? Why are some of the things so oddly specific? When did the Dunster Inn get stained glass?
“[A]ll the names of the dorms and dining halls are wrong here, i’m just trying to troll some nerd into correcting me),” the author claimed on her Twitter (Notopoulos 2015).
(Yes, that’s an APA citation. Because I am a nerd.)
We at Flyby were so inspired, that in the spirit of BuzzFeed’s cutting edge journalism, we came up with this list of things that only writers for BuzzFeed would understand.
- Ah, fair BuzzFeed. Writers, bloggers, and actors here may come from all sorts of unpaid internships, yet there’s a lot of things they all have in common..
- You love writing for a news source that has never, ever, ever, been accused of plagiarism.
- You almost never have to explain your jokes on Twitter.
- You’re excited to put your journalism degree to work doing some seriously groundbreaking reporting.
- You’ve never used the word “troll” as a verb.
- You’ve never been paid to write a quiz guessing “What Character from [Insert TV show from the 90’s here] Are You?”
- In fact, you never have to rely on pop culture references from the 90’s to get pageviews.
- "Which Backstreet Boy Should Be Your Valentine? Click here to find out!”
- You leave obsessions with Taylor Swift, cats, and cute boys holding things to tabloid blogs.
- You don’t use “-porn” to describe any and every picture of your subject.
- Only rarely do people care more about your headlines than your actual content.
- You’re actually funny.