{shortcode-3ec526a23dba31352464ed8f047e5c52f8976c46}Happy or not so happy first day of finals, Harvard. We hope you had a restful and productive reading period. Here is the list of this semester’s finals schedule for your reference, and good luck to those with finals on the first day!
We’re in for some warm weather again, with highs reaching up to 59 degrees. Too bad we’re all either in Lamont or locked up for 3 hours taking finals.
Baked Herb Catch of the Day
Chicken Fingers
Roasted Vegetable Panini
Beef Stroganoff
Lemon Pepper Tilapia
Vegetarian Pot Pie
Best Spots to Cry During Reading Period
Could also be used for Finals Period.
College Accepts 14.8 Percent of Early Applicants to Class of 2020
Just 14.8 percent of the 6,173 early applicants to Harvard College’s Class of 2020 received acceptance emails on Thursday afternoon, marking the lowest early acceptance rate since Harvard reinstated its early action program in 2011.
House Life Survey Part I: Housing Day and House Renewal
A recent Crimson survey indicates that students are overall satisfied with their on-campus living experiences, but perceive inequities between Harvard’s upperclassman Houses.
Law School Faculty and Staff Commend Student ActivismAs Harvard Law School students continue to advocate for a list of demands they say will improve the school’s treatment of minority students, a group of 25 Law faculty and staff published a letter Wednesday commending the student activism.
Student Groups Petition To Revoke Harvard Club’s Name RightsA group of students, Harvard Club workers, and Unite Here Local 26 union representatives presented University Provost Alan M. Garber '76 with a petition on Thursday to revoke the Harvard Club of Boston’s right to use Harvard’s name in light of ongoing disputes over a new contract currently under negotiation.
Ceramics Program Holiday Show and Sale at 10 a.m. at 224 Western Avenue in Allston
Museum Highlights Tour by Harvard Student Guides at 12:30 p.m. at Peabody Museum
Tour of Houghton Library at 2 p.m. today