
On Nov. 10, amid photographs of sugar cubes doused in oil, the ICA held its first College Night to introduce college students to the fascinating and sometimes inscrutable world of contemporary art. This Roving Reporter attended the event, trying to figure out the meaning of modern art and to chisel away at the mystery of the perfect date night spot.

Simi Fanalusi, Northeastern University
RR: Do you think people are intimidated by contemporary art?
SF: Possibly, because it sounds so upscale and so hipster. Contemporary art makes people think, “Oh! I should be wearing my Paul McCartney sunglasses with some sort of fedora!”
RR: What kitchen appliance or cooking utensil does the ICA building most remind you of?SF: An oven
RR: A microwave oven?
SF: Yes!
RR: Despite looking like a microwave, does the ICA earn your seal of approval as a good date night spot?
SF: Yes! It has two essential things: low lighting and good music.

Mia Carter and Dan Ausberg, Northeastern University
RR: What brings you here tonight?
DA: Free food.
MC: Art, and it’s free.
RR: How do you feel about contemporary art?
MC: I think it’s cool and interesting. I don’t always get it but it’s nice to look at.
RR: Why do you think people find artists so attractive?
MC: Oh wow, that’s tough!
DA: They are high profile and they have very different minds.
RR: Is there any artist you would like to go on a date with?
DA: Pablo Picasso. I would love to go on a date with Pablo Picasso.

Mirabelle Raymond and Kacie Guillard, Boston University
RR: Does this fit your idea of “the club goin’ up on a Tuesday?”
MR: Not really. It’s more of an art exhibit, and it should be focused more on art and not on partying.
KG: The one thing it is lacking is more people. The music is great, and the set up is good.
RR: Would it make for a good date night though?
MR: Yes. It’s cute, and it’s not Netflix and chill.

Madeline Carr and Maggie Loan, Boston University
RR: Can you tell me what you are looking at?
ML: [A] Rube Goldberg Machine, but someone else’s version.
RR: So you’re basically watching some sort of liquid metal pour over concrete and it’s all on fire. What do you think this means?
ML: I think the machines are a bunch of random shit that happens to promote other random shit happening.

Larisha Bailey, Boston University
RR: Can you tell me what you are looking at right now?
LB: I am looking at a giant cube of needles.
RR: So it’s not finding the needle in the haystack—
LB: It’s finding the hay in the needlestack!
RR: What do you think the meaning of this piece is?
LB: I want to say that there is a deeper meaning, but I also don’t want to put meaning where meaning [does] not [exist]. I feel like a lot of times we try to extract something that’s not there, and that takes away from taking in the art.