{shortcode-a0a776dec7d7e9d8ff27d892663d92d697243c41}Hope you enjoy this lovely Tuesday, Harvard. Fun fact: on this day in 1723, Benjamin Franklin arrived in Philadelphia at the age of 17.


Today is going to be sunny and pleasant, with highs of 69 and lows of 49. Enjoy the crisp autumn days while they last.



Philly Cheese Steak Sub

White Bean Ragout

Waffle Fries


Coq Au Vin

Steamed Mussels Garlic and White Wine

Vegetable Quinoa Paella

Lyonnaise Potatoes


Harvard’s Reign of Terror: A strongly worded letter to Harvard calling for more egalitarian treatment of grass in Harvard Yard.

Dear CS50, Please Make Harvard a New Snapchat Filter: A strongly worded letter to CS50 calling for more hip and fun Snapchat filters.


Lindiwe Mazibuko, IOP Fall 2015 Resident Fellow and Former Parliamentary Leader for the Opposition Democratic Alliance in South Africa, is holding her study group today on “How to Impeach a President” in the IOP Faculty Dining Room from 4:15 to 5:45 p.m.

The John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum is holding a discussion “The Iran Nuclear Negotiations” with Wendy Sherman, IOP Fall 2015 Resident Fellow and Chief American Negotiator for the 2015 Nuclear Deal and Former Undersecretary for Political Affairs at the US State Department, and David Sanger, National Security Correspondent at the New York Times, at 6 p.m.