{shortcode-43cd1c5c5a69b379edd2465c62a5676534642c37}Remember when members of the Harvard Community Garden planned ‘Farmal: The Real Garden Party,’ and over 4,000 people replied that they were going on Facebook? Remember when the event was then cancelled due to concerns from administration? Yeah, we at Flyby were heartbroken too.

And while we are pretty bummed that Garden Party (by that we mean Farmal) season is officially over, we’re pretty pumped for [BLANK] Party next Friday, October 9th in the Science Center Plaza. At first glance, the Facebook event doesn’t seem to answer all of the burning questions one might have when their weekend plans are involved, so Flyby sought them out for you:

First, what is [BLANK] Party? Why is it blank?
It’s an event hosted by a group of women on campus, looking to bring friends and strangers from all corners of campus together for an evening. “Equally important was putting ownership and power over the Harvard social scene in the hands of women for a night,” according to Hajar El Fatihi ’17, one of the organizers of the event. The [BLANK] theme, according to El Fatihi, was so “that people should feel free to “fill in the blank” with whatever they identity...We wanted students to feel like this could be [MY] Party.”

Will they play “Blank Space”?
No word on whether T-Swift has made it onto the night’s playlist yet, but partygoers will have a live band and two DJs to look forward to. The Ex Feds, described by event organizer Madeline Hung ’16 on Facebook as “Black Tie Affair’s favorite band,” will be playing from 9 to 11 p.m., when DJ Pong and DJ Yashi will take over till 1 a.m.

As for the mystifying ‘[ ]’ dress code– seriously, what?
I can barely dress myself in business casual, and that at least has an adjective in it– the event organizers chose to leave it ambiguous so that people wear whatever they’re most comfortable with. Although they highly advised Facebook commenters to not show up naked (which, seeing as it gets down to like 40° at night now, Flyby endorses).

Maybe we just all need a chance to get together and dance for a night. The point of the party, according to El Fatihi, was to “remind all students here that no matter which organizations they belong to or not, they always deserve a place to have fun with their friends on the weekends... We definitely think that this event reflects the changing social atmosphere on campus.”