{shortcode-44d12a2a8816e91f2d60978503589a5ceeff9473}One month ago, CNN graced us with the second GOP debate, also known as three hours of shouting, Donald Trump awkwardly high-fiving people, and a little bit of politics thrown in there. Flyby was there for you with a drinking game that allowed you to chase your crumbling faith in the American political system with cheap liquor, and we’ve got your back again for the first Democratic debate tonight at 8:30 p.m.

(Flyby fun fact: you won’t be forced to watch the debate in a mere 2 dimensions, a problem we at Flyby never even knew we had, thanks to a partnership between CNN and NextVR. According to CNN’s website, “Viewers will be able to experience the debate in the immersive 3-D format of virtual reality. This will be the first time someone will be able to experience the thrill of a presidential debate from the comfort of his or her home.” Ummm…thanks?)

So hit up C’est Bon, get some friends together, and send a quick prayer to HUIT that your livestream won’t buffer for an hour straight, because this is Flyby’s Ultimate Democratic Debate Drinking Game. And remember, if anyone tries to give you a hard time for getting drunk on a Tuesday, just tell them that you’re doing your part to encourage political inclusivity on campus.

Take a drink…

for every candidate you don’t recognize (wait, people other than Hillary and Bernie are running?)

Seriously though, who are these guys?

for every time Bernie gesticulates wildly

for every bad joke about Donald Trump

Finish your drink…

for every mention of Hillary’s email scandal

for every shameless appeal to young voters that falls flat

for every issue Bernie accuses Hillary of flip-flopping on

for every time Bernie says the word “socialism” and people get uncomfortable

Take a shot…

for the first time someone in the room complains that Lessig isn’t debating

for any mention of Benghazi or the Benghazi committee

for realizing that you really haven’t been following politics well at all

Bonus round

Pop a bottle of your finest cheap champagne if Joe Biden bursts onstage, Kramer-style, midway through the debate