{shortcode-63e85396f5cf5279f236a66c10250c1e6244f50e}Happy Tuesday, Harvard! We hope that all your new classes are still as exciting as they were the first day of shopping week, or if they didn’t seem exciting even then, that they're picking up a little now. The slight chill in the air makes it seem like summer was ages ago, even though fall hasn’t officially even started yet. We’ve recently been amused by the attempted transition clothing choices made by our fellow classmates, from the girl wearing a full on parka with a mini-skirt, to the guy in a bro tank and Tims, and the person in the classic midday sweatshirt and sweatpants combo. The last isn’t something one sees often here, but that just makes it all the more special, right?

{shortcode-4b603678ea750620ec4aef750940a7e5b7c09b19}IN THE ATMOSPHERE
Tomorrow’s high is a pleasant 72 degrees, with a low of 51. It’ll be cloudy in the morning before clearing up in the afternoon, which works perfectly when you don’t wake up until the afternoon anyway.

Herb Crusted Pollack
Indonesian Stir Fry with Tempeh
Spicy Potato Pierogies

Chicken Parmesan
Swedish Meatballs
Scheherazade Casserole: Bulgar, Tomato and Soybean

1) Rogers Defends Management Co. Compensation in Letter to Alumni: Vice President for Alumni Affairs and Development Tamara E. Rogers ’74 argued that the salaries (some of which surpass $7 million) are justified by HMC’s performance-based compensation model and its practice of managing many of its investments in house.

2) Undergraduates Begin Excavations in Harvard Yard: Wondering about the roped off hole by Matthews? All part of a year-long class called Anthropology 1130: “The Archaeology of Harvard Yard”. The class meets weekly to excavate the area and analyze the items found, developing a catalogue of all the items for the Peabody Museum.

3) Cambridge City Council Devotes Funds to Housing: The Cambridge City Council voted Monday to continue funding affordable housing units with money set aside for community preservation. The policy order, which was proposed by City Manager Richard C. Rossi, stipulates that 80 percent of community preservation funds be spent on housing, 10 percent on open spaces, and 10 percent on historic preservation.

Once again, the Farmer’s Market will be under the tent in the Science Center plaza from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Say goodbye to the d-hall’s mushy apples and sample some fresh fruit from local farmers instead!

University President Drew G. Faust is holding an opening-of-year conversation with Nicholas D. Kristof  '82, a Harvard Overseer, Pulitzer Prize winner, New York Times columnist, and most importantly, former Crimson editor. The talk will take place in Sanders Theatre. Doors open at 3:30 for all with Harvard ID.

The IOP’s JFK Jr. Forum is hosting a panel discussion on Iran Policy, featuring retired Major General Yaakov Amidror, the former Israeli National Security Advisor, and Thomas Donilon, his American counterpart. The conversation begins at 6 p.m.

Rakesh Khurana, Dean of Harvard College, speaks mental health resources at the Peer Leadership Kickoff, which composed of wellness peer counselors, peer educators, and tutors in Fong Auditorium on Monday.