This may be the weekend for new arrivals, but the end is nigh for the Class of 2014 (depressing, huh?!). Seniors, you’ve had four years to cross off the Big Three, but here are a few more things to add to your pre-graduation bucket list! Got more to add? Comment and let us know!

{shortcode-5c9789a338b6aa2b05b73dfa8667075bc54e04e5} 1. Climb on the roof of a Harvard building
2. Go to the Kong before 1 a.m.
3. Ring the Lowell bells
4. Make out with a TF
5. Go to the tunnels
6. Selfie with Pfister (or Faust)

7. Convince a prefrosh to go to Harvard at Visitas
8. Go to a HoCo meeting
9. Get coffee with someone you wish you’d gotten to know better
10. Leave your mark—carve your initials somewhere
11. Go to the Queen’s Head (first time ever?)
12. See live music in the square


13. Watch the sunrise over the Charles
14. Go to office hours
15. Hook up with someone at last chance dance
16. Write your best friends letters for graduation day
17. Thank your Dining Hall staff
18. Go to a sports game

{shortcode-da49880703e45295e412d66dffe18600c0248088} 19. Visit your Freshman year room
20. Grab a meal with your linkmates
21. Go to a final club
22. Get Tasty Burger AND Felipes after a night out
23. Rent a Zipcar and go on a spontaneous day trip with your roommates
24. Actually go to a talk you think sounds interesting

25. Climb the Lowell rock wall
26. Go to a class you're not in super wasted
27. Visit a part of Boston you've never been to!

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