{shortcode-01481df0a086c92a5258333725618b30c0e55688} ’Twas the night of Yardfest, and the clock had just struck 5:30 p.m. when the crowd of students began to really thicken around the HUDS buffet. The sun beamed through the clouds, and it was just beginning to feel like the promised 66 degrees. Groups of ever more intoxicated and adventurous students formed a bobbing crowd in front of the stage while Semi-Serious played their set. Here are a few gems overheard during evening of riotous revelry.
From the line of people attempting to get ahold of freshly-made HUDS pulled chicken:
“You watching your figure? Are you on a diet? Why are you only eating salad?!" asked a guy in a red bro tank, accusingly. His friend, the salad-eater in question who was wearing a blue bro tank, mumbled something about ladies liking men who can hold their greens down.
This conversation dug deep into the topic of body image in today’s society.
Elsewhere, a conversation was getting conspiratorial:
“Do you think that Battle of the Bands competitions were invented for movie plots? Like, how often do you say, ‘It’s Friday night, let’s go to a Battle of the Bands!’”
Yet another Hollywood construct meant to create unrealistic expectations for young people, no doubt. Also, good question.
A different conversation was distinctly less full of intrigue:
“I love selfies. And, I mean that in the most heteronormative way possible.” Shrieks of laughter from his fellow students.
This doesn't make sense, and I mean that in the most confused way possible.
As Hot Breakfast took over the stage from Semi-Serious:
Cries of “Flamingo!” echoed across the mob in front of the stage as someone brought out a bird and waved it above his head.
Everyone was bringing out their inner party animal. Literally.
As Janelle Monáe entered the stage with her band:
“I love you Janelle!” (overheard more times than could be counted).
It seems like we all know who Janelle Monáe is now.
As the post-concert student body heaved a booze-reeking sigh of contentment:
“She was great! I think this year’s was bigger than Tigger,” one man said to the person walking next to him. “I think it’s pronounced Tegaire,” responded the other.
Yes, we’d hope that Janelle would be better than an overzealous bouncing tiger.
And, with that, Yardfest 2014 came to a close.
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