{shortcode-ecd116fae28426eb6283cb4225ea01f42f0c7f3c}Good morning, Harvard! It’s Monday, which means you can probably count the number of things you currently like about life on one hand. Here are some things that will hopefully make you feel a little bit better about your day:
1) Harvard-Yale weekend is 11 days away! We get to finally show off all our Crimson apparel without feeling judged by the outside world, pretend we care about sports, drink and party on repeat, and remember the fact that we have two more days of school after H-Y weekend while Yale doesn’t!
2) This NYTimes Thanksgiving cooking guide that will make you drool. Who doesn’t enjoy looking at high-def photos of that one meal of the year where no one will judge you for eating 10 helpings of mashed potatoes and 4 slices of pumpkin pie?
3) A baby hare looks like this and is called a leveret.
4) This picture that Humans of New York took in Washington Square Park (sorry in advance for the next 10 million hours you’ll waste flipping through these pictures).
{shortcode-9faec1de123db05eb0746b83b1ea044397989f73}IN THE ATMOSPHERE
It’s going to be a nice day today! It’ll be a high of 59 degrees and there’s a zero percent chance of rain, and that’s awesome because we’ll take anything we can get to make Mondays a little less miserable.
Red Spiced Chicken Breast
Falafel Sandwich
Multigrain Rotini Primavera with Kidney Beans
Butter Chicken
Tandoori Chicken
Dal Makhni
Vegetable Coconut Curry
1) Harvard’s Next Top Model: Teacher Edition: Business casual meets high fashion Harvard-style, oh yeah.
2) What Harvard Researchers Caught You Doing In Lecture: Yep, they definitely caught you taking those guilty pleasure BuzzFeed quizzes like “Which Taco Bell Menu Item Speaks To You On A Spiritual Level?”
1) UC Expresses 'Concern' over Attendance Study: "Undergraduate Council representatives passed legislation Sunday evening that expressed concern over a recent study that photographed certain classes without the knowledge of professors or students, and requested that the University release the relevant findings."
2) Head Ec10 TF To Depart Harvard After Spring Term: "David W. Johnson, longtime senior preceptor and head teaching fellow for Economics 10: “Principles of Economics,” which consistently draws one of the highest enrollments at the College, will be depart Harvard at the close of the academic year. Johnson and his wife, Anne Pringle, an associate professor in the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Department, will be moving to Wisconsin at the end of the academic year."
3) Arab Weekend Explores Opportunities for Region: “Harvard Arab Weekend brought together entrepreneurs, businesspeople, journalists, and academics to discuss resolutions to pressing issues, including the role of entrepreneurship, across the Arab world during the three-day conference this weekend.”
4) Summit Brings Together Business Leaders, Aspiring Entrepreneurs: “Business leaders, including the former president of Trader Joe’s grocery chain and the general manager of Reddit, shared their experiences in social entrepreneurship with more than 400 participants at this year's Igniting Innovation Summit on Saturday.”
The Economics Department is holding a lecture this afternoon from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Science Center D called "Partisan Media and Democracy: Historical Lessons from US Newspapers." Matthew Gentzkow from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business will be speaking.
Nobel Laureate Sir Christopher Pissarides will be speaking about labor markets in the Eurozone today from 4:15 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Busch Hall at the Center for European Studies.
There will be Sexual Assault Prevention forums going on this week for students to discuss and give feedback about policies about sexual harassment on campus. The first one this week will be from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Eliot Senior Common Room.
Students walk up the stairs of Northwest Labs, where the Igniting Innovation Summit was held. The Saturday conference, organized by undergraduates, was the largest one of its kind.