
Happy Thursday! We’re almost at the weekend (#blessed), but it’s still not Friday yet so there’s obviously nothing better to do than complain! Here are some things we’d love to complain about this week:

1) The weather: So like, is there conveniently going to be a downpour only whenever we decide to step outside? Not cool for when you have people to *impress* in section except you walk in looking like you’re sweating/sobbing/having water coming out of every pore of your skin.

2) Midterms: Okay, why is there a midterm at every point of the semester? Isn’t that just not the definition of a midterm?!!

3) Halloween costumes: @world, please stop asking what my Halloween costume is because I don’t know and I won’t know until 20 minutes before going out.

4) Thanksgiving Break: Why are you so far away because all we want to do is eat, sleep and repeat.



It’s going to be really rainy again today, how great! It’s going to be a high of of 57 degrees and there’s a 90% chance of rain, which basically means you’ll need that umbrella and rain jacket all day. 



Crispy Swai Fish Sandwich
Roasted Honey Lime Chicken
Tofu, Broccoli and Walnut Stir Fry


Baked Multigrain Spaghetti
Broccoli & Cheese Fritatta
Home Fried Potatoes 


1) Where to get Your Pumpkin Spice Fix in Harvard Square: Such a fall staple that it gets its own acronym, PSL.

2) Gus and Sieste on Playground Bullies and Transferring to Yale: Who knows who better?


1) Kappa Sigma Grows, Awaits Chapterhood: “Greek life at the College continues to grow, as the recently established Kappa Sigma "colony" moves towards recognition from headquarters as an official fraternity chapter. The colony currently boasts about 60 members, according to Director of Chapter Services for the Kappa Sigma National Chapter Leo J. Brown.”

2) Barker Café Formally Reopens: “After months of renovation, the Arts and Humanities Café at the Barker Center formally opened its doors on Wednesday to positive reviews from students. The café welcomed community members to an open house that featured refreshments, as well as a glimpse at the café’s new interior design.”

3) University Sets New Goals for Curbing Consumption, Waste: “The University will apply new “green” standards across all 12 schools to reduce waste and energy use, as a part of a first-of-its-kind five-year sustainability plan announced Wednesday in a community-wide email from Executive Vice President Katherine N. Lapp.”


There is a Women in Leadership Panel today from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in Ticknor Lounge, featuring female leaders in various clubs and organizations around campus! All genders are invited and welcome.

The IOP is having a talk today entitled Crisis in US-Russia Relations: The View from Moscow at 6 p.m. at the Kennedy School. The event is free and open to the public!

As a part of Justice Week, there will be a seminar on modern-day slavery tonight at 8:30 p.m. in Emerson 105 entitled Slavery and the Power to End It.


The Little Free Library on Shepherd Street near the Quad in Cambridge sits prepped on Wednesday for the upcoming holidays.