Ahh, autumn. Best season of the year. The leaves are changing, the weather is crisp and cool, and - most importantly the Pumpkin Spice Latte is back. The perfect accessory for instagramming in the yard, taking a weekend apple picking excursion, or just running late to your Ec10 section, the PSL is a fall staple.
Luckily, plenty of other Harvard Square establishments have picked up on the pumpkin spice trend, so you can celebrate the season for every meal. Embrace your basic-ness and go check out these festive alternatives to your morning Starbucks.
Au Bon Pain
The Harvest Pumpkin Soup is no PSL, but it’s a healthy way to get your pumpkin fix—only 140 calories in a small? Sign me up!
Boston Tea Stop
For those looking forward to pumpkin spice boba, prepare to be disappointed - the only pumpkin spice at Boston Tea is their pumpkin mochi ice cream. Isn’t it getting a little cold for bubble tea anyway?
Crema Cafe
Nothing. What a disappointment. Even Greenhouse Cafe bought into the festivities (check out the container of pumpkin spice at the coffee station, right next to the cinnamon.) Do you even #autumn, Crema?
Dunkin’ Donuts
The only spooky thing about the Halloween Pumpkin Donut is the nutritional information: one of these bad boys accounts for 35% of your daily requirement of saturated fat. America had better be running on Dunkin if it wants to keep off the freshman fifteen. Still, count me in for a pumpkin donut. Or five. And maybe throw in a Pumpkin Pie Coolatta for good measure. Because #autumn!
The International House of Pancakes embraces the season with “a perfect taste of Autumn,” aka their Pumpkin Pancakes. On the other hand, this is the establishment that serves Kraft Mac and Cheese. As an actual dish. Maybe it’s best to stick to Sunday brunch veritaffles.
Shake Shack
Shake Shack is dipping a toe into the pumpkin spice game, head over this Sunday to check out the flavor of the day: Pumpkin Pie custard.
Tasty Burger
Tasty’s fall special includes $15 for a pitcher of Smuttynose Pumpkin Ale. But is any amount of fall spirit really worth waiting an hour for cheap beer and a burger? Even after 2 a.m.on a Saturday night, probably not.
Perhaps the only drink that even comes close to rivalling the PSL in basic-ness is the good, old-fashioned Chai Latte. Tealuxe has combined these two fall legends into...drumroll, please... the Pumpkin Spiced Chai! If the name alone doesn’t make you think of pumpkin patch photoshoots, you’re probably doing autumn wrong.
Market in the Square
Though the market does not sell a PSL equivalent, here is where you can buy an actual pumpkin. And it doesn’t get more pumpkin themed than that.