Interim Dean of the College Donald H. Pfister really understood us. He was there when we were confused about trees, when we needed cupcakes, and even when we just wanted to read a really good book. When he departs in July from his position, Flyby will be here to mourn with you.

Though we are sure future Dean of Harvard College Rakesh Khurana will reach out to the student body in his own way, we will never forget Pfister’s unique way of connecting with us. Whether Pfister will return to the Herbaria has not been announced; perhaps he should consider these alternative jobs around campus for next fall.

1. Faculty Advisor of the Harvard Book Club

Pfister’s book recommendations inspired students to start reading for fun again. Nothing would provide us greater joy than to see him run his own book club; although, weekly meetings might have to be held in Sanders Theatre due to excessive demand. Harvard could even provide free copies of all of the books (what did you think that the $6.5 billion fundraising campaign was for?).

2. Official Harvard Tree Tour Guide

Whether or not Pfister should have to comp Crimson Key in order to be an official tree tour guide has not yet been determined. But, it’s a known fact that nothing excites prefrosh more than the beautiful trees of Harvard. Everyone knows that the best indicator of the caliber of a university is its trees.

3. Lamont Cupcake Giver

Pfister did such a stellar job of handing out cupcakes during finals that he would do well stationed at the entrance of Lamont at all times. Well, maybe not at all times, but definitely every night from the hours of 10 p.m.-2 a.m.

4. Flyby Columnist

There will surely be Dean Pfister email withdrawal. To remedy this, it is only fitting that he write a weekly column for Flyby. Pfister, have your people call our people. Together, we can make this beautiful venture happen for the Harvard community.

Cherish this semester of Pfister’s emails while you can. And to whoever created Pfister’s Facebook fan page, please continue to keep us updated on his daily thoughts.