The end of the semester is a stressful time, and we all need to remember to relax every now and then. Flyby is here to help! This is the fifth installment in our Seven Days of Reading Period series, inspired by "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Stay tuned for more!
On the fifth day of reading period, Flyby gave to me five tips to help finish a final paper in one night.
As much as possible. Seriously. You may not be able to stay up all night, but you after drinking a venti coffee with three espresso shots might have a chance.
Find your playlist
Nothing makes you lose motivation faster than the hearing the birds tweeting outside Lamont at 5 a.m. Distract yourself by listening to music; some people like pump-up songs, some like classical, and some are partial to epic movie soundtracks.
Friends are great….when you have time for them. When you’re writing a paper, however, they are black holes of distraction just waiting for you to fall into their trap. Save yourself by going somewhere where no one will find you.
Rookie mistake = forgetting to eat while you’re pulling an all-nighter. Just because you don’t normally have meals in the middle of the night doesn’t mean you can work for 12 hours without food. Tip: working near a vending machine is the best way to make sure you’ll have access to snacks at all hours.
Set goals
Completing a 20 page paper in less than 24 hours can seem like a daunting and impossible task. You know what seems way less impossible? Finding five quotes in one source. Writing a page in an hour. Getting to eight pages by midnight. Set goals, hold yourself to them, and watch yourself become productive. Even better, promise yourself rewards when you complete them.