Once a year, two football teams and an industry of advertisers collaborate to create an unforgettable night of American entertainment. The commercials aired on this Sunday in February are often the most innovative ones seen for the rest of the year. Here's our roundup of this Super Bowl's best.

Volkswagen: The Dog Strikes Back

One part adorable puppy, one part Star Wars. Honestly, could anything be better?

Oikos Greek Yogurt: The Tease

So unexpectedly hilarious. The head-butt also paralleled the football game perfectly.

Audi: Vampire Party

Vampire jokes just don't get old, especially when they culminate in people vanishing into poofs of smoke. #SoLongVampires

Budweiser: Prohibition is Over

This old-time movie throwback brings a traditional classiness to one of America's favorite brands. Men in suits, Clydesdales, and sepia-toned film work together charmingly.

H&M: David Beckham Body Wear

Slow motion panning can be a dangerous move, but in this case it played to the subject's strengths. Simple, but certainly eye-catching.