As former governor of Massachusetts, winner of the Baker Scholar for graduating in the top five percent of his class, and founder of a multi-billion dollar investment firm, you would think that the Harvard Business School would be proud to count Mitt Romney as an alumnus.

Instead, an overwhelming majority of HBS students support Barack Obama in the upcoming election. Where is the love?

The Harbus, HBS' independent newspaper, conducted the poll last week. Granted, only a third of the student body participated, but the numbers suggest some major Obamamania. Despite graduating in 1975 with a joint business and law degree, Romney garnered only 32 percent of the vote. Our current president won 65 percent.

Luckily for Romney, the rest of the country is giving him some love. Both Real Clear Politics and Rasmussen Reports, polling data websites, have had Obama and Romney at a virtual tie for the last few days, with each candidate polling at 47 percent. As the numbers stand, Romney has a good chance (well, an equal chance) of defeating Obama to become the second presidential alumnus from HBS...the first being George W. Bush.

The Crimson has released its own university-wide poll which asks students not only to weigh in on the presidential election, but also on the race between incumbent Senator Scott Brown and former Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren. Student opinions on Massachusetts ballot initiatives for marijuana legalization and physician-assisted suicide are also sampled.

At a school that Richard M. Nixon called "the Kremlin on the Charles," we're pretty sure the results will favor Obama. But it's still worth asking: really, HBS? Where is the Romney love?