Every week, The Crimson publishes a selection of articles that were printed in our pages in years past.
November 14, 1902: University Telephone Installment
Arrangements have been made with the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for installing automatic pay stations in several dormitories and other College buildings. The work has been begun and will be completed in about a week. The following are the buildings which will be connected and the number and approximate locality of each instrument. 21094. Walter Hastings Hall Basement, first entry. 21137. Gymnasium. 21151. Divinity Hall, first floor. 21267. Randall Hall. 21271. Memorial Hall, auditor's office. 21322. Conant Hall, vestibule. 21346. Perkins Hall, north-east vestibule. 21357. Austin Hall, basement. 21362. Lawrence Scientific School, wing B, first floor. 21368. Phillips Brooks House, basement. 21383. Weld Hall, basement, north entry. 21384. Harvard Hall, basement. 21453. Matthews Hall, basement. 21474. Grays Hall, basement, middle entry.
November 16, 1936: John Harvard Aluminized In Cold Dawn, Cops Save All
In the cold gray dawn one day last week a wandering Yard Cop stopped by the John Harvard statue in front of University Hall. Although the moon was shining brightly, it seemed to him that the Statue was bathed a trifle too much in a white, ethereal, other-wordly light.
And he was right. Earlier in the evening a lusterous cost of aluminum paint had been liberally applied to the fanciful representation of the man who is erroneously labelled as the "founder" of the College.
A quick call for reinforcements brought out the men who apparently are retained just to wait for such an occurance, complete with a gasoline compound known in technical terms as aluminum paint remover. By 8 o'clock the next morning all was dull bronze again save for a suspicious silver daub on one foot, and due to Harvard's well-known aversion to early rising, nobody was the wiser.
November 13, 1953: Replacement of Furniture Program Due to Begin by Next Sebtember
With elephants leering down from all four walls and with "Peace, Prosperity, and Progress" strewn liberally around the room, the HYRC held its election night jamboree in the Hotel Continental last night.
Hundreds of Ike backers crowded into the Continental to drink the HYRC free beer and to throw out an occasional cheer as the election landslide came in. The discordant sounds of the "King's Men," an instrumental quartet of sorts, mingled with the mumblings and chatterings of the 300-450 present to make the whole affair something less than a spontaneous exhibition of political enthusiasm.
November 15, 1969: Jury Finds 19 Not Guilty In University Hall Appeal
A jury in Middlesex County Superior Court yesterday acquitted 19 persons charged with trespassing during last April's occupation of University Hall.
After the verdict, Justice Robert Sullivan, who presided over the three-day trial, indicated that he would not allow the Commonwealth to continue the prosecution of more than 100 other cases arising from the demonstration.
The 19 persons acquitted-fifteen Harvard students, one M.I.T. graduate student, and three non-students-were among 172 persons arrested for trespass in University Hall April 10 and convicted in Cambridge Third District Court last May.
November 12, 1953: McCarthy Rooters Send CRIME 'Pan Mail' For Cahllenge to Senator on Red Charge
Last July, the Senate of the United States was treated to an exhibition of the letter-writing skill of the supporters of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy Senator Mike Monroney (D. Okia.) had received this mail when he questioned the propriety of McCarthy's investigation of top-secret Central Intelligence Agency, Among other things, Monroney was called a "Red," a "scum bag," a "traitor," a "rat" and a "nozzle-head." Since the CRIMSON'S editorial telling McCarthy to "put up or shut up" on his charge about Communist professors at Harvard was reported nationally and internationally we have been getting some "pan mail" from some of these people. Some of it is reproduced below:
Compiled by Nicholas P. Fandos.