Whether or not you watch a lot of TV, you've most likely seen the ads for the Scott Brown-Elizabeth Warren Senate race that appear before practically every YouTube video. If you tune out whenever one of these ads pops up, here's Flyby's recap of the best lines from these ads, presented in debate format for your reading pleasure.
Scott Brown: I filed to stop insider trading in Congress, and it got passed and signed into law.
Elizabeth Warren: She exposed the tricks in credit cards and mortgages, and led the fight to create a new consumer agency to hold the big banks accountable.
SB: To me, creating jobs is more important than what party you belong to. That's why one of the first votes I took as a Senator was for a Democratic jobs bill.
EW: Scott Brown voted against President Obama's three jobs bills, against jobs for firefighters, teachers, cops, construction, just to protect tax breaks for millionaires? I don't get it.
SB: Don't be fooled by Elizabeth Warren's negative attacks.
EW: President Obama calls her "one of the fiercest advocates for the middle class."
SB: Like a lot of you, I came from nothing. I'm on your side, fighting for the middle class.
EW: Like a lot of you, I came up in a family that worked hard and I've spent years fighting for working people.
SB: I want to set the record straight. Scott Brown is pro-choice, he supports women's healthcare, and he's for good jobs with equal pay.
EW: Scott Brown had one bill to vote on for equal pay for women. He voted no. One vote to protect insurance coverage for birth control, he voted no.
SB: When my daughters grow up, I want to make sure that they have good jobs with equal pay and I know Scott Brown will fight for that.
EW: Elizabeth Warren is a real fighter. I don't know about Scott Brown.
SB: Elizabeth Warren is not telling the truth about her career. Elizabeth Warren was a key lawyer in an asbestos case working for big corporations.
EW: Scott Brown is attacking Elizabeth Warren about her work. Scott Brown is not telling the truth.
SB: I'm Scott Brown and I approve this message.
EW: I'm Elizabeth Warren and I approve this message.