As Housing Day quickly approaches, one question is bubbling up all around Harvard—which of Harvard's 12 upperclassman Houses is the best? Freshmen debate this question within their blocking groups to determine which Houses they will or will not sacrifice to the River Gods. Upperclassmen aren't immune to this excitement and will become prone to fits of rage at the slightest suggestion of their House's inadequacy.

This question is one that we've attempted to answer in the past (our 2010 and 2009 rankings are available for comparison), but with the passing of each year, these rankings naturally change.

This year we had 12 Crimson editors consult with residents of each House for information on the following categories: dining halls, facilities, rooms, House spirit, location, and quirks. Members of the Crimson staff assembled to debate and vote on the rankings until late into the night.

Over the next week, we will release our reviews in reverse rank order. You'll find out which House made the top of our list just before the Housing Gods show their benevolence (or fury) this Thursday.

Harvard’s House system has often been called the crown jewel of the College, and we agree that each House has its own advantages and disadvantages. This doesn't mean, however, that we can't have a little fun ranking them, so let the countdown begin!