B.good is offering a special deal this week to support the Harvard Classics Men's Club Basketball Team's efforts to raise funds to send 10 of its members to the Men's Club Basketball National Championship.

Gift cards valued at $20 can be purchased online for $12 through Sponstir, a new group-buying website created by former Harvard Classics member Daniel A. Sack '10 and his two brothers Matthew P. Sack '12 and Benjamin M. Sack '07. Four dollars from each purchase will go toward financing the team's trip to Austin, Texas for the championship games. Only 200 gift cards are being offered.

"If you like b.good, please, please, please get some of these gift cards," Nicholas G. Purcell '11 said. "We really need the help, and you get some delicious burgers."

In their first year playing in the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association Regional Basketball Championship at Boston University, the Harvard Classics beat 23 other college teams to win the tournament. Their victory qualified them for the national championship in Austin.

"We ran a JV program until two years ago, so we weren't allowed to participate in the tournament," Purcell said. "This is the first year we're playing in it at all. It's kind of surprising that we made it at first try."

The Harvard Classics will be playing against teams from seven different regions at the Men's Club Basketball National Championship at the University of Texas at Austin from April 1-3. The team needs $7,500 to cover the cost of airplane tickets, rental vans, hotel fees, and other expenses.