Obtaining a Harvard degree may have its merits beyond snatching a high-caliber job. If you're having trouble maneuvering the dating scene at Harvard, Lady Gaga provides new hope.

Gaga stripped off her poker face and revealed what she's looking for in a man. In an interview with England's daily tabloid newspaper, The Sun, the 'Born This Way' star said which qualities turn her on the most.

"It ranges from a really big d**k to a degree at Harvard…[Plus] talent and perseverance and pushing the boundaries of love and acceptance."

So keep on spending hours on psets, studying for finals, and writing papers. You might end up nailing a bad romance.

In your favor is the fact that Gaga is rumored to be dating Vampire Diaries star Taylor Kinney, who did not attend Harvard. Take away? Those of you interested may still have a shot.