Gone are the days of vigorously shaking a ketchup bottle to no avail. The cleverly coined SLIPS (Slippery Liquid Infused Porous Surface)—a product created by Harvard University researchers that functions as a liquid-repellent—has recently come out with a new purpose: clearing out ketchup bottles.
As the researchers explain, a bottle lined with SLIPS could dispense any condiment with fluidity, so a person effectively could use every single drop without waste. "It is a problem we all face—we have a bottle of sauce and we are trying to get the last bit out but nothing is happening," said materials science professor and project researcher Joanna Aizenberg, according to The Telegraph.
SLIPS isn't just for ketchup, however. The temperature and pressure stability of SLIPS makes it a good potential candidate for dealing with heating or refrigeration, and its ability to repel natural fluids means it can easily clean many surfaces, medical supplies, and even night-vision devices.
Flyby is particularly excited about the promising direction SLIPS is headed in the condiment domain. Inspired by the researchers' most recent idea, we've come up with five potential uses for SLIPS that we think will further the ingenuity of the product.
1) For use on any food from Felipe's. Finally a burrito that's not covered with grease. With SLIPS, the grease will be dripping right off.
2) Try the product out on seals. Oil spills? No longer an issue for our blubber-bearing ocean friends.
3) Televisions. Now you can shower and watch "Grey's" at the same time.
4) Slip'‘n Slides. Faster is better. Apply SLIPS liberally over your body and proceed with caution.
5) Tents. Rain while you're camping? No longer a problem. Also worth noting that the use of SLIPS may attract more occupiers to the Yard.