Welcome back to school! Though the bagillion-degree weather and impending hurricane have been keeping frisbee playing to a low, Flyby wondered why some people have already found themselves in the library when homework hasn't really kicked in yet. Here's what they said...

Kristin Barclay, Freshman Greys Hall

Spotted: Farnsworth Room, 3rd Floor

Q: What are you working on right now?

A: Physics 16.

Q: What's your hardest class this semester?

A. Physics 16.

Q: Favorite study spot in Lamont?

A: Well I have only been to Lamont three times and this is my third time at this table. So I guess this table.

Q: When did you decide your classes?

A: I pretty much knew my classes before shopping period. There were only 5 that I was considering.

Q: Do you know what you're going to concentrate in?

A: I think computer science.

Q: On a scale of 1 to workaholic, where would you say you fall?